Buying a WonderDay

How long will the voucher be valid for?

Unless otherwise stated, our WonderDays vouchers are valid for 12 months.

Can I buy a voucher as a gift for someone else?

Of course, there are no names on our vouchers for this very reason. You can even add a personalised gift card message for the lucky recipient at checkout.

Do I need to confirm a date or location before I buy?

No. All our vouchers are flexible, so you can choose your own date for the experience.

Be sure to check the details of your chosen experience voucher for any booking restrictions by the supplier before purchase, e.g. whether weekends or bank holidays are included.

For further information on experience availability, click here to visit our "Availability" collection

Are there any restrictions to consider before I buy e.g. age/ height/ weight etc.?

Some experiences will be subject to the partner’s safety requirements and will have restrictions on age/ height/ weight etc. Further information on Restrictions can be found here .

If you are in any way unsure about any restrictions, please contact one of our team at .

Am I able to check if a specific date is available before buying?

All of our experience day partners not only give you plenty of time to choose a date that works for you, they also have plenty of capacity when it comes to spaces to book.

Some of our larger partners, such as Virgin Balloon Flights, can sometimes give us their current availability if you contact our team on .

But keep in mind that while we may be able to get the availability information, we can’t guarantee a partner will hold the date without having a voucher reference to secure the booking if you have not already purchased.

If the date you're looking for is available, our team can help complete your order and provide your voucher reference so that you can secure your booking quickly.

Will the price be visible on the voucher?

We are aware that this is commonly purchased as a gift, for this reason we ensure that the price isn’t visible on the voucher.

Please note: if the recipient chooses to exchange the voucher, the price would be visible at this point so they know how much they have to use.