
Can I extend my voucher?

As long as your WonderDays voucher has not expired, you can extend its validity for £20 per experience. Do this by logging in to www.wonderdays.co.uk/my-voucher.

Please note: Once you have extended your voucher, you will have a further 12 months from your existing expiry date to complete your chosen experience. This new date is also shown at the point of confirming the extension. We recommend making a note of this new date.

My experience voucher has expired - what can I do?

If your voucher has expired in the past 90 days and is still a product we offer at WonderDays, then you will be able to re-open and extend the voucher for an additional twelve months for £20 per experience. This can be done by logging in at www.wonderdays.co.uk/my-voucher.

If your voucher expired more than three months ago, then unfortunately we cannot offer an extension as we can only offer extensions within 3 months of the expiry date.

My gift card has expired, can this be extended?

Unfortunately not, once a gift card has expired the balance becomes void. However, we do offer a goodwill period of 90 days, when our system will allow the gift card to be used within that time as normal.